Friday, April 18, 2014

“Disaster Photos: Newsworthy or Irresponsible??”

After reading the article “Disaster Photos: Newsworthy or Irresponsible?” I started to think of what I would do in an emergency situation. Do I flee or do I document? The authors of the article argue whether it is dangerous for individuals to take cellphone pictures during emergency situations. Authors Memmott, Levin, and Livadas used the photos taken by the plane crash survivor Eddie Ho as an example. Ho was a passenger on Air France flight 358 when it crashed, landing in Toronto in 2005. While exiting the wreck, he was able to snap many photos of other fleeing passengers from inside and outside of the wreckage. Although his photos were used by many media outlets while reporting on the incident the question still remains, is it worth the risk to snap a few photos during emergency situations? I say “no.”

In this day and age almost everyone has a cellphone camera on them at all times. People are encouraged by social media sites to chronicle their lives almost hourly in the forms of pictures, tweets, and hashtags.  The article raises a very good point, how safe is it for a person to be more concerned about catching footage of an emergency situation rather than trying to save their own lives. Personally, I believe this trend is incredibly irresponsible. There have been many times I have seen survivor footage and thought to myself, “stop filming and get out of there,” as the camera person just stands there and makes sounds of concern. Often times these individuals could be in the way and cause their selves harm by focusing on getting the picture(s), instead of heading for safety. They can also stall emergency personnel from responding to the real threat because they are in the way trying to film.  Johnathan Klein president of CNN calls this behavior, “that primordial urge to record ones’ history.” I call it mans’ desire to have an “I was there” proof video. Photojournalism and reporting should be left up to the professional news crews and amateur cellphone photographers should keep their distance.

~Lady Tiffany


Mark Memmot, Alan Levin, and Greg Livadas present the current issues in the media and the news in their article “Disaster Photos: Newsworthy or Irresponsible?” The article sheds some light over the issues of stopping during a disaster to take photos. Today, it is common for just about everyone to have a camera. They are embedded within phones and even music devices such as mp3 players. Photos taken by survivors have been helpful in the past to document historical moments and have been helpful in investigating causes. Although photos from survivors have been helpful and amusing, media broadcasters are taking it too far. People are putting their own lives at risk for the sake of getting the perfect photo and for covering breaking news live. Helen Muir, professor at Cranfield University states, “In most crash cases, the average person has two minutes from the first spark to conditions not being survivable in the cabin.” Two minutes is only an estimated amount of time and it is unexpected for a person to put their own life at risk for the sake of a photo. Just because cameras are widely assessable does not mean that everyone or anyone should risk it all for the history of one photo. 

Cameras are a part of our current culture in America. The advancement of technology is always moving towards the next best thing. A new technological feature being used today is the use of cameras on traffic lights. This new camera device captures pictures for those who do not adhere to traffic laws. This new feature is interesting because the camera is able to capture an image clearly, accurately, and within seconds. Stopping during tragic moments to take a picture puts everyone at risk for survival, especially when we already have technology implemented for the sake of capturing moments that the average person cannot catch on their own. Dying simply does not satisfy the importance of catching disastrous moments by photo.  

 ~Lady Cherelle

Saturday, April 12, 2014

"The Color Purple" Movie Review


   The Color Purple, a critically acclaimed Stephen Spielberg film based on the Pulitzer Prize winning book written by Alice Walker, is a moving depiction of pre-civil rights era African American experiences surrounded around a mistreated and timid woman named Celie played by Whoopi Goldberg. When considering the various issues that are imaginatively covered in the film by the Academy Award winning director such as rape, domestic violence, racism, and poverty to name a few, it is easy to comprehend why the movie received a noteworthy amount of award nominations. The story’s vivid developments and believable outcomes would agitate the average person’s emotions and pull at their heartstrings; however the story has received its share of unfavorable reviews. Regardless of the opinion formed after watching the controversial film, the impression left from the intense characters will be difficult to remove from your psyche.
The story opens with force, illustrating the dealings of child marriage, families being torn apart, as well as the feelings of bondage and violation that can be realized by a person who is forced into an arranged union. Living in the picturesque rural south, Celie is a young girl who is forced to marry a man in lieu of his true desire; Celie’s more physically attractive but younger sister. As a result of the trade, Celie is exposed to a life of despairing treatment. She compares sexual encounters with her vile husband to him using the bathroom or “doing his business”.  Feminine viewers would find it difficult to not empathize with Celie as she faces the sexual abuse at the hand of her spouse.
    Domestic violence, adultery, and ultimately divorce are visible elements of the movie as well. Celie’s step-daughter in- law, Sophia played by Oprah Winfrey, confronts her in the beautifully landscaped southern fields about coaching Sophia’s husband to use physical abuse her. The betrayal that is felt by Sophia is palpable when she exclaims “you told Harpo to beat me” to an astounded Celie. Sophia’s wrath continues as she challenges the adulterous relationship that Harpo is having with another woman. Ultimately Harpo and Sophia’s marriage would end in separation. Celie would also go on to separate and disassociate herself from the violence received by her despised husband, Mr.  The period covered lends the backdrop of lack of privilege and perceived inferiority that the majority of blacks dealt with during that time.
    Racism and poverty are evident as the characters live in a segregated town surrounded by white towns where they are considered less than equal to their neighbors. The fiery Sophia encounters a Caucasian female that would change her life for the worse, landing her in jail and making her children and Sophia work for her upon her release. Whites are seen displayed as business owners, mobile, and financially favored while blacks appear to be absent from the lifestyle amenities afforded to the white population.  The picture keeps you entertained with each character’s navigation through life’s ills of a recent post slavery time that is infused with abundance of sexism.

    Rated “the year’s best film” by Roger Ebert, The Color Purple’s numerous distinguished honors include eleven Academy Award nominations. Stephen Spielberg created a riveting motion picture, which assisted in him becoming a sought after Hollywood director. His excellent ability to capture the author’s purpose and expressions while constructing such a captivating movie was clearly overlooked by the evidence of Oscar snubs the film experienced. Critics have said that the film was unbelievable, exaggerated at times, and stereotypical. The Academy Award winning director Oliver Stone has defended the movie, stating that it is an “excellent film that attempts to deal with overlooked issues”.  The Color Purple is a classic film that is deserving of its notoriety and should be seriously considered for one’s viewing pleasures. 

     ~Lady Chandra

    Without a doubt, the film entitled “The Color Purple” it is indeed a historical, compelling, horrific and ideal movie for the past ordeals in history. By far, the director Steven Spielberg orchestrated a film that would exhibit the historical conditions of old; Spielberg does this by indicating the past slavery conditions and inferences of modern illustrations for the diverse audiences. It is evident that this movie portrays slavery to its core and arranged marriages as a nightmare. Inclusive to the latter mishaps, we find adultery explicitly illustrated to its core, incest by far, bondage, captivity and sexism displayed; but eventually we see a change which results in the freedom and the escape for someone who is wounded and once bounded in both mind and body.
    The key actor in this film is Celie. Celie represents a black woman of the early decades who grows up in the rural South and she is surrounded by cruelty. Beyond her playful and serene childhood, the film takes a sudden turn. Unfortunately, there is a sudden climax in the movie which infers incest, and we see that Celie became pregnant, and we learn that her father has made her pregnant; Celie is forced to give away her child.
The movie became more intriguing when Celie became married (through an arranged marriage) at a tender age—it is here another nightmare evolves in her life. This marriage was horrendous by far. "Mister" was the name Celie allotted to her so called husband and the only name she made inference to, in regards to him. In spite of Celie fatal and wearisome endurance in a brutal marriage, the loss of  both her children and the ability to bear children, the separation from her sister—the  one person  who truly loved her, could not compare to her endurance ; wherein, in the end she had prevailed against the odds.
    With all the acclamations and accreditations allotted to this film, critics have stated that “the film was unbelievable, exaggerated at times, and stereotypical.” The Academy Award winning director Oliver Stone has defended the movie, stating that it is an “excellent film that attempts to deal with overlooked issues.”  Which brings me to my closing implications, which implies that in spite of Celies’ dilemmas, it is quite clear that "The Color Purple" it is not the story of Celies’ suffering but of her victory.  It is a great and triumphant movie. One important theme that may be overlooked is escapism. We find a woman escaping the constraints within her life, and those which was placed on her mind, to finding herself; she embarked upon a new life, a truly new identity, while embracing others who suffered from similar complexities. Hence, for the viewers’ discretion, one should see beyond the obvious and thus see the overlooked emphasis on escapism; wherein, this was a dominant theme by far in this historical film.

     ~Lady Kimberly

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Youth: Live Free, Buy Everything??


      Responsible consumers and the term teenagers should never be used in the same sentence. Most teenagers do not have the knowledge or the drive to spend or consume properly which leads to many of them overbuying things that they really do not need. In todays’ society majority of teenagers are very intrigued by the fashion that is shown on the bodies of many celebrities and on the cover of magazines. With image being everything, a lot of teenagers will decide to spend their last penny just to achieve a certain look or get the latest shoes. Not caring or thinking about their future such as saving for a car or an education; teenagers are more likely to live in the moment and on impulse which causes them to buy the first thing they see instead of thinking things through. Another important factor that plays into teenagers not being responsible consumers, relates to, in opinion, the amount of bullying being portrayed today. So many children and teenagers are being bullied for not looking or dressing a certain way; therefore, a child who is desperately trying to fit in will go beyond measures just to alter their appearance. Children/teenagers are being robbed and killed all over the world because of the impact fashion has on their minds and their desire to look like their favorite celebrity; therefore, I feel that society should instill other values and goals instead of making one feel bad if their appearance is not up to society standards or the things they own is not up to par. Having long term values and saving your money instead of trying to consume everything you see, it is something a lot of teenagers do not portray until they get the mindset of growing and owning their own items that is worth more than all the clothes and shoes money can buy.

      ~Lady Zandra 

      Stating that the majority of teenagers are not responsible consumers without any evidence other than personal experience and a colorful opinion is a gross generalization and lack of research. Consumer is defined by one dictionary as a person who purchases goods and services for personal use. As stated in the previous post, todays’ teenagers are fascinated with pop culture and you know what they say: imitation is the best form of flattery. Todays’ youth spends, spends, and spends some more in an effort to be trendy or fit in. They strive to be different all the while by looking the same; despite their lack of uniqueness. Todays’ teenagers are impulsive buyers. While impulsive and responsible are normally compatible words, in terms of teenagers and consumers, I think it fits perfectly. Teenagers have no bills. Their parents take care of them. So the mindless spending on fashion and fast food is the only thing their money can really be spent on. The important fact is that the money is being put back into the economy. The $300 spent on True Religions jeans may seem idiotic; however, responsible consumerism refers to the role that consumers play in helping society to be more sustainable. So one must consider that someone must buy those overpriced jeans to keep the True Religion employees employed. 

      ~Lady Shabreka

Saturday, April 5, 2014

SAT For The Rich??


Favoring the rich and placing extreme hardships on the poor is what the SAT also known as the Scholastic Assessment test is set out to do. Making it exceedingly difficult for one to obtain what is considered a high score that captures the audience of several prestige’s colleges; several individuals including myself along with Charles Murray agree that the SAT should be abolished. While some may disagree and feel as if the SAT serves a significant purpose in today’s decision making in regards to college enrollment, others including myself feel that the SAT is failing to uplift its duties and is bias, favoring those citizens in the upper class bracket. As Murray once states, the test is a “wealth test “placing those students who live in poor areas at a disadvantage. For schools to base who they are willing to accept off of these particular scores is ludicrous because in my opinion you cannot determine ones’ ability to learn or obtain information off an exam. I know several students including myself who are not great test takers therefore we have the tendency to not perform well however that does not mean we are not as intelligent as the C student who scores high but fails to complete their homework. Just because one’s scores may be lower than another does not mean that they should be deprived the option of going to an outstanding college. Folding under pressure is a trait that a lot of students of all ages portray therefore, in my opinion, all circumstances and influences should be considered when making these decisions. For instance, you cannot compare the course work of a Henry County High School to that of a Clayton County High School because of the simple fact that their curriculum is different. Knowing this, a student from Clayton County is subject to not having the knowledge to answer the questions accurate because he or she was not taught on the level of those from Henry County. Abolishing the SAT would not only help those students who aren’t good test takers achieve their goals of obtaining a degree from a great school but it will also show that sometimes those who score high still do not have the ability to obtain information or handle the course load needed to maintain throughout their time in college. Eliminating this test all together will destroy the barrier between the African American and Caucasian ratio that is seen within the college system. Due to most African American families living in middle class communities, a lot of these particular issues are very familiar. Destroying this test is important and will give EVERY student regardless of race and money, the opportunity to receive the same education.
Lady Zandra

Let me be clear: favoring the rich and placing extreme hardships on the poor are not the purpose of the Scholastic Aptitude Test, better known as the SAT. As Charles Murray states in his essay entitled “Abolish the SAT”, the original purpose of the SAT was to measure aptitude, which is defined by the dictionary as is “inherent ability” as opposed to academic achievement. While I don’t contend that any academic knowledge may be classified as “inherent”. The ability to learn may be innate, but not the knowledge possessed, but I digress. 
I also do not believe that the SAT should be abolished. If not for tradition alone, the SAT holds great significance when it comes to post-secondary education. It seems to me that the SAT serves the same purpose for entering college as the Georgia High School Graduation Test does for leaving high school. It needs to be evident that the student not only found some way of passing tests or writing assignments but individually possesses certain required knowledge and the ability to gain and retain new knowledge, including comprehension and application.
The SAT may very well provide disadvantage for poorer students for various reasons; however, it is not the root of those disadvantages. Poorer schools have fewer teachers. Fewer teachers mean larger class sizes. Larger class sizes mean a lack of opportunity for individual attention. Poorer schools definitely mean less money for educational supplies, including updated books, SAT prep courses, etc. Students born into any form of poverty, attending poorer schools, are already at a disadvantage in life altogether, especially in comparison with students’ whose parents can provide private schools, private tutors, SAT prep courses from commercial giants such as Kaplan and The Princeton Review.

The SAT is not the problem. Lack of funds for public schools is the problem. Overworking and underpaying public school teachers is the problem. The SAT provides a forum for students of various backgrounds to play on a constant, impartial and level playing field. It is the same test for all students. Wealthy students are given an easier version of the test. They simply have access to more resources to prepare. The SAT even provides a waiver of the fee for less fortunate students. The SAT is not the problem. It’s simply the standard.
Lady Shabreka

Friday, March 28, 2014

Yoga: Mind, Body, and No Clothes??

“When We’re Naked, It’s like We’re all the Same”

            The Daily Mail Reporter writes about the growing exploration of Naked Yoga in the United States. Yoga is the practice of physically and mentally participating in a variety of postures and breathing techniques to attain control of the mind, body, and spirit. Today, many people practice Yoga all over the world. Naked Yoga became popular during the 1960’s Hippie movement; however, in the 21st century it is far from being Hippie. The purpose of Naked Yoga is to openly embrace ones’ self and the community around them. It is meant to celebrate the participant as a whole and to ultimately celebrate beauty. The Daily Mail Reporter implies that normally people are separated by materialistic and superficial things such as name brand clothes and body physique. This article further suggests that when we are all naked, we are all the same. Many people disagree with the articles’ suggestion; however, I do believe in the overall purpose of Naked Yoga.
             Naked Yoga is no different than the average locker room routine. In the average locker room, women and men feel comfortable taking off their clothes with the same notion that we are all the same. The argument against Naked Yoga suggests that it promotes sexual behaviors; however, sexual misconduct is strictly prohibited. It is rare to hear of sexual misconduct in locker rooms; however, misconduct is also not tolerated. Naked Yoga is not intended to encourage erotic behaviors. It is far from being anything like a Swinger’s party. The whole taboo about nakedness in general comes from a socialized society constructed from traditional standards. Naked Yoga promotes the overall purpose of Yoga and further helps to achieve a liberating holistic experience. Clothing is distracting when everyone is trying to find the right thing to wear. Clothing hides our bodies and covers up imperfections. Removing clothing from Yoga allows people to celebrate themselves and to have an overall freeing experience. Free from restrictions, worry, materialism, judgment, and doubt. Generally, we socialize naked all the time when preparing in the locker rooms. In the locker room we are free to be naked, shower, socialize, sweat, etc. Naked Yoga is the same as traditional Yoga but ultimately intended for the overall Yoga experience, by achieving liberation and control of the mind, body, and spirit.

      -Lady Cherelle

“Naked Yoga: Confidence behind closed doors”

Whenever I hear someone mention Yoga class, I instantly think of foam mats and stretch pants. Yet true yoga is an important part of Vajrayana, Tibetan Buddhist, Jainism, and Hindu philosophy and religion. Yoga originated in ancient India as a way to attain a state of physical, mental and spiritual peace. Over the centuries many different forms of Yoga and meditation were created, as each sect began to find their own way to spiritual enlightenment.  Some critics may imply that those who practice Yoga can find ones’ true self, while also finding peace of mind. On that note, how did the path to spiritual enlightenment evolve into a naked workout routine? 
The Bold & Naked studio wants us to believe that Naked Yoga is a way for participants to, “celebrates their bodies and is not intended to be sexually evocative.” Yet this premise of this celebration has two key flaws. The biggest flaw of sexual arousal was addressed in the article. Although the class is not intended to be sexual, the obvious evidence of naked bodies in motion   and unusual positions will cause sexual arousal. The latter is distracting for those in the class and embarrassing for the aroused individual. The second flaw implies the false confidence achieved in class. What happens when the class ends? Bold and Naked is only open to those who are trying to find the same level of acceptance. There is a sense of freedom and confidence when one is in the class surrounded by others who are looking for the same feeling. Nevertheless, will the same confidence obtained follow the participants when they are around strangers?  I believe that true self confidence comes from being comfortable wherever you happen to be, with or without clothes. 

      -Lady Tiffany

Saturday, March 22, 2014

"Take This Internship and Shove It"??

           After reading “Take This Internship and Shove It,” by Anya Kamenetz, for one I thought the title was very sarcastic; the reading as a whole provided content that was relevant to undergraduates of accredited universities, who are embarking upon internships. Anya Kamenetz provided vital information that would make a college student think twice about an internship. Although this title articulates six simple words, it is packing a punch and signals a negative alarm in college students minds per se. So, should college students adhere to the opportunity of being an intern and then shove it? I would think not! No way!
            College students ought to be leaping for joy when positioned as an intern. As an intern, one should value their position and comply with the required standards, whether or not they are being paid; for this may be their opportunity to be validated for their dream job or rather career endeavors. When allotted the opportunity to be an intern, one should consider this opportunity as a part of the process that launches them into their future and career endeavors. Internships ought to be valued by all college students—it is a competitive world we are living in; hence, college students should not view or think of internships as a waste of time. Yes we all have bills to pay, but we have to start somewhere, correct?
            Therefore, internships should be executed to the best of ones’ ability and one should be happy at this time to display their highest potential. As stated in Anya Kamenetz write-up entitled “Take This Internship and Shove It,” “84 percent of college students in April planned to complete at least one internship before graduating”(Kamenetz 191). It is further implied that “according to Vault, about half of all internships are unpaid” (Kamenetz 191). The latter I find to be very desponding. It is also misguiding and thought provoking for college students. However, there is hope. Internships, from my narrow perspective, are an opening door for better sectors in the job market arena.  As Anya Kamenetz states “working without pay was the best possible preparation for success;” I totally agree with her notion (Kamenetz 191).

            Critics may disapprove Kamenetz notions and disregard my opinion, but that is alright; such is bound to happen. Critics may even go as far to state that internships are fake jobs, worthless, mindless simulations, and not the best preparation for real jobs; nevertheless, a wise person will adhere to the opportunity, value their given responsibilities and position, while realizing that there are endless possibilities and opportunities allotted to being an intern. Internships are vital to the development of college students’ because such will set the standard for their perspective on life and future career goals. After all, if college students are not exposed to career sectors beforehand, they will be clueless to the demands of the job market and career obligations thereafter. I comply with the action of internships all the way.

~ Lady Kimberly G

      Internships are a commonplace in today’s labor market, largely due to the almost nonexistent paid opportunities available for recent college graduates. Although there are degrees that do require an internship in order to graduate, there are no rules stating that it has to be an unpaid internship. But in a “down economy”, plagued by high unemployment statistics, students are willing to accept any position that can help keep the dust from settling on their resumes. Anya Kamenetz’s essay, “Take This Internship and Shove It”, sums up my theory on the concept of unpaid internships: You would be much better off waiting tables than taking a position at your “dream job” that you are not compensated for.
     Working for free should be a crime and any employer found guilty of not paying their intern should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Perhaps that view is a bit extreme given the fact that the student voluntarily solicits the employer for these honorary openings. However, recent news tells of civil cases that have traveled the ranks of the American justice system in order to determine if unpaid internships are in fact equitable for the intern. Two interns who worked on the production team for the Oscar- winning movie “Black Swan” was successful at proving that Fox Searchlight violated New York and Federal labor laws by not compensating them during their term with the production company.
Interns often contribute more to an organization than is deemed acceptable per the federal government’s classification of an internship. Federal guidelines state that internships should take place in an educational environment and benefit the intern, among other rules. In the landmark “Black Swan” case, the judge decided that if it had not been for the interns retrieving coffee and sweeping the floors, the defendants Fox Searchlight would’ve been obligated to hire someone to complete those tasks and thereby violated minimum wage laws by not paying the interns at all. Transportation costs, meals, and valuable time spent are all sacrifices that will ultimately become the intern’s family’s responsibility in most cases, while the employer reaps the benefits of free labor. In my opinion, a person should not have to put themselves in debt to gain experience. An employer should at least cover the costs of traveling to their office, if not minimum wage compensation, when taking advantage of the intern role.
Anya Kamenetz cites the obvious results of a 1998 Columbia University survey by which it was determined that “paid placements are strongest on all measures of internship quality” (Kamenetz 191) in her essay. Though volunteering for a good cause is typically viewed as rewarding, generally no one wants to work for free. One might raise that point that internships do aid in obtaining future paid employment opportunities, regardless it is unconscionable for an employer to ask someone to take money out of their pocket to support their organization. Interns should be paid for their contributions.

~ Lady C. Morton 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Church vs Marriage vs State??

 The term marriage has changed and holds several definitions regarding what it is, what role it plays in the church and in society, and as to whom are allotted the privilege to participate in these ceremonies.  The definition of a marriage is a sacred vow between a man and woman. The bible implies the words “he” and “she,” in reference to a man and a woman marital status; this does not apply to those of the same sex. The word sacred means a connection with God or a dedication to a religious purpose; therefore, the statement “marriage is a sacred institution” which preceded from President Bush mouth was wrong in reference to him being the former leader of the United States which consists of a wide range of believers, non-believers, heterosexuals, and homosexuals. However, even though that may be true, it was not wrong in regards to his beliefs and his Christianity. Due to our government controlling the change in marriage policies, and setting limits that either exclude or include a particular group into the realm of who is allowed to be married, I think Moody and I would agree that President Bush overstepped his boundaries in declaring the previous mentioned statement; for society looks for separation between church and state. As Moody attacks several concepts that focus on marriage and its role in our American history, I am not surprised in her explanation about the history of marriage in the United States; in fact, I agree with her.

The history of marriage in the United States has changed and evolved in so many ways, I will not be surprised if a new evolution regarding marriage comes forth. What I cannot seem to understand is why so many people make a big deal out of homosexuals participating in marital ceremonies but during ancient times no one made an opposition to men having several wives and forcing woman to marry. If the term sacred is going to be attached to a word, especially the term marriage, than everything and everyone should be ordained to have that holy connection with God. Instead of judging people, creating a difference, and casting citizens out, the government should be focused on other issues; for example, why are divorce rates so high?  From my perspective, I feel that the state is trying to impose certain values and morals on a certain group (homosexuals) but not implementing the same values and morals on everyday heterosexual citizens. It is just not right. It should be the decision of the church as to whether or not they will be participants in ceremonies for homosexuals; I don’t feel like the state should have that power because that creates a thin line between the separations of the two institutions. Before our time, society was forcing people to marry and imposed the notion wherein, one was sinful if a ceremony was not performed; but now our society has transformed into a world where one has to fight for this right.

--Lady Zandra

The definition of the word marriage is nothing if not subjective. While Merriam-Webster Dictionary has given the world a universal definition to allow correct use in context, no ones’ marriage is the same. Each marriage is as unique as the individuals within the union. While the previous writer defines marriage as a sacred vow between a man and woman and discusses the implications of the Christian Bible, the words “sacred” and “God” in its articulation when spoken by a government official, and the President, does not threaten the separation of Church and State. The word sacred does mean a connection with God or a dedication to a religious purpose; however, I feel it is important to remember that the “Law of the Land,” and our great constitution was founded upon Christian principles. If we wanted to completely separate Church and State we would need to write an entirely new constitution; for each and every original law was based on Christian morals and principles accepted and practiced during that time. While I do believe that our laws and morals need to evolve as society evolves, I do not believe President Bush crossed any lines with his statement in reference and respect to marriage.

It only makes sense to believe that the evolution of marriage will include the incorporation of same sex marriage. However, we should all keep in mind that this battle will be a hard and lengthy one. The Gay Rights Movement is simply another crossroad of the Christian foundation of the United States of America and our never-ending journey towards equality for all. While a lot of states, as well as the federal government, have taken steps towards providing same sex couples with some of the benefits reserved only for heterosexual couples in the past, a clear line has been drawn in the sand. As I have stated before, our constitution was founded upon Christian principles. This foundation may be amended but it will never be rewritten.

--Lady Shabreka

Friday, February 21, 2014

Life Experiance Over Internships??

Colleges and universities have evolved over the past few decades. Twenty years ago, campuses used to be filled with students carrying backpacks that were loaded with books and notebooks; these necessities were strolled along, class after class. The library had to have hundreds of shelves to house thousands of books, in order to provide resources, so that students could do research for class. The computer labs were filled with students during midterms and finals trying to type research papers.  Yet now campuses have evolved. Students can attend internet classes from all over the world at the school of their choice. For those students who still go to class, they now only carry one or two books and a laptop computer or tablet. Libraries have docking stations so students can plug in their electronics. Those hundreds and thousands of books have been minimized to just a few base selections. During midterms and finals, students will sit for days on the internet doing research and typing their papers at the same time. As the college campuses advanced, so did the curricula.  

Internships have been a staple of college undergrads for decades. Originally this paid or unpaid short term employment, helped students to “test drive” a job or profession before graduation. This was a good way for the student to gain a "real world" perspective on an occupation and have a leg up on the competition when applying for full time employment.  Employers offered internships as a way to help students develop work ethic, and gain extra employees without paying full wages. For those students who were not medical or law majors, Internships were optional for individuals who wanted to take advantage of them. If the company they wanted to work for had positions, students could ask the school for help with the application or apply by themselves. Yet now, many colleges are making internships a mandatory part of their program of study.  Students are not being allowed to graduate without having accumulated a set number of intern hours.  Although some may be beneficial, I believe students should not be required to participate in an internship to graduate.

Just as the college campus and the curricula have evolved, so has the student. There is a new breed of student-body overtaking campuses today. Twenty years ago college campuses were filled with fresh out of high school young adults who were just discovering the world outside of their parents’ home. The idea of a single mother, or a working adult going to college, years after graduating high school, was seen as taboo. Yet now in 2014 this is normal for college campuses all across the country.  The slowing down of the economy and competition for employment have caused many adults to return to school with the hopes of acquiring better pay for the degree accredited to them.   The older adults that are a part of the student-body have more life experience than a traditional student. There are students who are going to school for the current field in which they work. These individuals do not need an internship because they are already aware of what is required for their employment. They are simply interested in the degree to increase their earning potential. Many students work fulltime and also have children. These individuals may not be able to risk the loss of a fulltime job for a lower paying internship. Online students usually take online classes to be able to work at their own pace because they have a sporadic schedule.  I think internships should be optional for students who are not in medical or law professions. To withhold a degree or credits, this action is not necessary. Schools ought to assist students in locating companies that can give them extra work experience only at the request of the student.
~Lady Tiffany

There is no denying that the dynamics of college universities have changed over the past couple of years. Technology has changed society completely and the structures of universities have changed to accommodate this new population of students. Whereas, students once overfilled the library in search of books, but time has changed, and students now fill libraries with laptops. Many students rarely even see a library due to the technological advances in our society. The ability to conduct research in the privacy of ones home is popular and people even conduct research while walking down the street on their cell phones. Everyone in this new era is conforming to the new age gadgets. Universities were once comprised of thousands of first time freshman fresh out of high school and ready for the “experience.” Now, universities comprise of many non-traditional students. Some of these students are going to school for their first time and others have decided to return. With changing times, the dynamics and curriculum for students have changed.

            Internships have been used to help guide students towards a future in their careers of study. Internships have been mandated on students in order to graduate in most universities. Many people argue that it does not accommodate the new generation of students. A lot of non-traditional students feel that internships do not satisfy their needs as non-traditional students because they are mature and have already had the “experience.” With everything advancing it is important that some things change; however, more importantly, in some cases, it is necessary for things to remain the same. Many non-traditional students feel that some traditional aspects of the college experience should change. Many of them feel as if internships should not be mandated because the university no longer consists of a majority dominated by first time fresh out of high school population. Although the dynamics and population of universities have evolved, internships should remain mandatory. It is a wrong assumption to assume that non-traditional students do not need the experience. In fact, many students including first time freshman, also have experience in the work field. The earliest age for employment is now sixteen. Mandating internships on students will help them to receive the overall college experience. Technological advances have changed society and the structure of universities; however, not all aspects of education have changed. All students have lives outside of school such as work, children, and responsibilities; nevertheless, internships are still used to educate the student. Internships are not only in place to educate the “non-experienced” but to further educate students outside of their main courses.

            Times are always changing, which is undeniable. Many of the things we used to do are no longer necessary. Growing up, children used to be put in time-out for unruly behavior, now adults go to jail for the same unruly behavior. The punishment is the same and the concept is still the same. Internships provided facilities that were feasible as for learning experiences for all students and I do not suggest that there be a change, unless there is a better way of receiving the experience. There are some things that are applicable to all students, even though it may be redundant. It is important to keep some things in place because the university population is so diverse. A little homework never hurts anyone and surely an internship, at least one time, will not permit further complications or harm a students overall college experience.

              ~Lady Cherelle


Saturday, February 15, 2014


 Over 1 billion users have subscribed to Facebook since its birth in 2004. Facebook has made a tremendous impact on the lives of individuals across the globe that may not have been able to communicate otherwise. Mark Zuckerburg, a Facebook founder, says the vision for the giant social network is to “connect the world”. Walter Deresiewicz’s is accurate in his assessment of Facebook altering the meaning of the word friend to its current vague implications. The measurement of friendships has evolved to include how often an individual shows interest in another individual’s Facebook updates, or not. The lines between cyber life and real life have blurred, thus changing the image of what a friend is. Realistically managing 1,344 personal relationships on a singular level would prove to be a difficult task overall. Nevertheless, people find it necessary to welcome anyone into their social space, even if they have encountered the least bit of interaction with the other party.
Social media outlets have giving a new definition on the term ‘friendship.’ The infamous subliminal rant is an example of how Facebook has altered the landscape of friendships.  No longer is it commonplace for a person to call their friend on the telephone to berate them over a disappointing encounter, such is publically dispersed, without any harsh feelings on the doers part. The dawn of social media lends another outlet- Why not inform all 1,344 of your “friends” about the concerns you have with just 1 friend? Special moments, intimate feelings, and personal battles usually reserved for close relationships are shared with mere acquaintances, professional associates, and family through the media outlet known as Facebook. The latter represents the current norm in society and quite fine by the users of social media.
 Social media has become beneficial; wherein, it has connected previously adopted children with biological families and long lost friends. The latter notion reflects the theories referring back to the baby boomers described by Deresiewicz who valued the face to face encounter or the intimacy of a hand written letter. I have accepted and embraced the new age friendships that social media lends. Facebook is a valuable tool and hence viewed as a tool that permits a platform that helps to build relationships as opposed to weakening them.


Social networking does not kill friendships, really? I beg to differ. Friendships have become shaky ever since Facebook and other social media sites have been introduced. Let us however turn our focus specifically on Facebook. It is indeed a commercial and media franchise, which can either brake or make friendships. Friendships, from my assumptions, have become commercialized, sometimes fake, abused and misused, detrimental, and sometimes self-inflicted pain through this specific site called Facebook.
What ever happened to the sincerity, value and realness in a friendship? Some people, we can surmise, have become so drawn in to the notion that if someone inquires to follow them, they are lead to think that these people are automatically their friend; please take in consideration, on the other party’s end, that the person has no idea who you really are, what’s your favorite food, color and the list of characteristics referring to one’s self can go on. Facebook, has become a numbers game; basically implying the notion that I have one million friends following me, but who cares if they really know me—which leads to insecurity and even death, for someone who may not have accumulated so many friends on their Facebook page and might feel inferior to others, and ultimately not so popular.
What ever happened to privacy? Yes, what ever happened to security of secrets? People have no discretion on social media sites; wherein, everything they are doing in their life, has to be announced on Facebook. Sometimes, it is beyond the norm and not even called for. True friendships revolve around honesty, trust, sympathy, face to face interaction and most of all built up over time. It is not just one click of a button and ‘boom’ then you are automatically declared someone’s friend, not at all! Friendship also reflects consistency and love in the good and bad times. Facebook, I can attest to the fact, that it has been the cause of broken relationships, that can never be mended, and the departure of trust and loyalty in marriages which have sometimes led to divorce. The latter reflects social media abuse and rectifies that some people have no self-control as for complying with social media terms. I have seen and heard of people who have gone on a rampage blurting out other so called friends businesses, and even their own; which leads to small and even brutal quarrels. Really! Are these conditions called for?
Ancient ideal values that reflected friendship was clearly one emphasizing on spiritual quality. On another note, the modern conceptions of friendship are slightly different, for it reflects, solidarity, fidelity, and trust for the characteristics of a friendship. But in a commercialized industry and world, who really cares what a friendship consists of anymore, per se—it seems as though friendships, as of now, reflects the notion, what can I get out it and out of the person and then on to the next victim.
The idea of friendship has clearly evolved through time, as the American literary critic William Deresiewicz has outlined in his text called “Faux Friendship.” Deresiewicz believed that friendship represented the highest calling in life. It is here, friends would declare their love for each other without having to even share the same residence. Honor was prolific in a friendship and the demand of such required duty and consistent devotion; but friendships on Facebook, one may perceive as just being identified as a number, inclusive with the other millions of followers.  “Friendship is devolving, in other words, from a relationship to a feeling—from something people share to something we all hug privately to ourselves in the loneliness of our electronic caves,” according to Deresiewicz (152). We are at risk that our new electronic addiction degrades friendship even more, by far. Signing up for social networking can denote the fact that we value a friendship only in terms of connection, which is sad to state.

I am not trying to come off as an old rant complaining about technological change. Yes, we can all agree that social media has its good side as for communicating in the long run, but there are also evidential flaws interfering with friendships and everyday relationships. I understand the many benefits of technological accommodations; whereby such has provided means of allowing friends to stay in touch, for example. If I am stating the rugged side of the new technology’s and its impact, it is due to the social upheaval that takes place at times, therefore, I am insinuating and looking for a change in social media. Hopefully, we are not heading in the direction that leads to the despair for the future of human interaction—let us hope this is not true.
-Kimberly G

Thursday, February 13, 2014

African American or Black??


Charlize Theron (Actress)

 Rihanna (Singer)

Pele (Soccer Player)


Who is African American, and Who is Black?

Many people think the terms African American and Black are 
interchangeable. The truth is, not all African Americans are black, and not all American Blacks consider themselves African American.  The key differences depend on the person in question. The term African American was first published in the 1920’s as a way to classify citizens of the United States who have total or partial ancestry from any of the native populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. Initially most of the individuals categorized as “African American” were those who were descendants of enslaved blacks from West and Central African.  As the population of immigrants into the United States grew, Americans found it easier to classify the population into four basic groups; white, American Indian, African American/Negro (this included all people of non-European descent with darker skin tones including Latino, Hispanic, etc.), and Asian.  Over time, each ethnicity classified under African American gain their own ethnic distinction and African American became the term used for American blacks, and African immigrants living in America.  The 80’s and 90’s provided one last shift in the definition of an African American. Multiracial individuals (People of mixed race with dark and light skin color, with one parent that is fully or partially black.), Caribbean blacks, European blacks, and other individuals of color, were able to convince the government to make “Black” an ethnic group for those who were not born in Africa.

Which brings us to the answer of our original question. Although her skin color is white, Charlize Theron is African American. She was born and raised in South Africa, and her native language is Afrikaans. Even with Rihanna’s very light skin tone she is a Caribbean Black American. She was born and raised in Barbados. Pele, who is often confused as an African man, is Brazilian Portuguese. He was Born and raised in Brazil and never held African or American Citizenship. Situations such as this have caused many Blacks to stop referring to themselves as African American.  A person does not have to be any specific color to be African; to be “Black” on the other hand, implies that you are a person of color with some African descent, but not necessarily from Africa.  

The Lady Debaters