“When We’re Naked,
It’s like We’re all the Same”
The Daily
Mail Reporter writes about the growing exploration of Naked Yoga in the United
States. Yoga is the practice of physically and mentally participating in a
variety of postures and breathing techniques to attain control of the mind,
body, and spirit. Today, many people practice Yoga all over the world. Naked
Yoga became popular during the 1960’s Hippie
movement; however, in the 21st century it is far from being Hippie. The purpose of Naked Yoga is to
openly embrace ones’ self and the community around them. It is meant to
celebrate the participant as a whole and to ultimately celebrate beauty. The
Daily Mail Reporter implies that normally people are separated by materialistic
and superficial things such as name brand clothes and body physique. This
article further suggests that when we are all naked, we are all the same. Many
people disagree with the articles’ suggestion; however, I do believe in the
overall purpose of Naked Yoga.
Naked Yoga is no different than the average
locker room routine. In the average locker room, women and men feel comfortable
taking off their clothes with the same notion that we are all the same. The argument against Naked Yoga suggests that
it promotes sexual behaviors; however, sexual misconduct is strictly
prohibited. It is rare to hear of sexual misconduct in locker rooms; however,
misconduct is also not tolerated. Naked Yoga is not intended to encourage
erotic behaviors. It is far from being anything like a Swinger’s party. The
whole taboo about nakedness in general comes from a socialized society
constructed from traditional standards. Naked Yoga promotes the overall purpose
of Yoga and further helps to achieve a liberating holistic experience. Clothing
is distracting when everyone is trying to find the right thing to wear. Clothing hides our bodies and covers up imperfections. Removing clothing from
Yoga allows people to celebrate themselves and to have an overall freeing
experience. Free from restrictions, worry, materialism, judgment, and doubt.
Generally, we socialize naked all the time when preparing in the locker rooms.
In the locker room we are free to be naked, shower, socialize, sweat, etc.
Naked Yoga is the same as traditional Yoga but ultimately intended for the
overall Yoga experience, by achieving
liberation and control of the mind, body, and spirit.
-Lady Cherelle
“Naked Yoga: Confidence
behind closed doors”
Whenever I hear someone mention Yoga class, I instantly think of foam mats
and stretch pants. Yet true yoga is an important part of Vajrayana, Tibetan
Buddhist, Jainism, and Hindu philosophy and religion. Yoga originated in ancient India as a way to attain a state of
physical, mental and spiritual peace. Over the centuries many different forms
of Yoga and meditation were created, as each sect began to find their own way
to spiritual enlightenment. Some critics
may imply that those who practice Yoga can find ones’ true self, while also
finding peace of mind. On that note, how did the path to spiritual
enlightenment evolve into a naked workout routine?
The Bold & Naked studio
wants us to believe that Naked Yoga is a way for participants to, “celebrates their bodies and is not intended to be sexually
evocative.” Yet this premise of this celebration has two key flaws. The biggest
flaw of sexual arousal was addressed in the article. Although the class is not
intended to be sexual, the obvious evidence of naked bodies in motion and unusual positions will cause sexual
arousal. The latter is distracting for those in the class and embarrassing for
the aroused individual. The second flaw implies the false confidence achieved
in class. What happens when the class ends? Bold and Naked is only open to
those who are trying to find the same level of acceptance. There is a sense of
freedom and confidence when one is in the class surrounded by others who are looking
for the same feeling. Nevertheless, will the same confidence obtained follow
the participants when they are around strangers? I believe that true self confidence comes
from being comfortable wherever you happen to be, with or without clothes.
-Lady Tiffany
-Lady Tiffany