Friday, February 21, 2014

Life Experiance Over Internships??

Colleges and universities have evolved over the past few decades. Twenty years ago, campuses used to be filled with students carrying backpacks that were loaded with books and notebooks; these necessities were strolled along, class after class. The library had to have hundreds of shelves to house thousands of books, in order to provide resources, so that students could do research for class. The computer labs were filled with students during midterms and finals trying to type research papers.  Yet now campuses have evolved. Students can attend internet classes from all over the world at the school of their choice. For those students who still go to class, they now only carry one or two books and a laptop computer or tablet. Libraries have docking stations so students can plug in their electronics. Those hundreds and thousands of books have been minimized to just a few base selections. During midterms and finals, students will sit for days on the internet doing research and typing their papers at the same time. As the college campuses advanced, so did the curricula.  

Internships have been a staple of college undergrads for decades. Originally this paid or unpaid short term employment, helped students to “test drive” a job or profession before graduation. This was a good way for the student to gain a "real world" perspective on an occupation and have a leg up on the competition when applying for full time employment.  Employers offered internships as a way to help students develop work ethic, and gain extra employees without paying full wages. For those students who were not medical or law majors, Internships were optional for individuals who wanted to take advantage of them. If the company they wanted to work for had positions, students could ask the school for help with the application or apply by themselves. Yet now, many colleges are making internships a mandatory part of their program of study.  Students are not being allowed to graduate without having accumulated a set number of intern hours.  Although some may be beneficial, I believe students should not be required to participate in an internship to graduate.

Just as the college campus and the curricula have evolved, so has the student. There is a new breed of student-body overtaking campuses today. Twenty years ago college campuses were filled with fresh out of high school young adults who were just discovering the world outside of their parents’ home. The idea of a single mother, or a working adult going to college, years after graduating high school, was seen as taboo. Yet now in 2014 this is normal for college campuses all across the country.  The slowing down of the economy and competition for employment have caused many adults to return to school with the hopes of acquiring better pay for the degree accredited to them.   The older adults that are a part of the student-body have more life experience than a traditional student. There are students who are going to school for the current field in which they work. These individuals do not need an internship because they are already aware of what is required for their employment. They are simply interested in the degree to increase their earning potential. Many students work fulltime and also have children. These individuals may not be able to risk the loss of a fulltime job for a lower paying internship. Online students usually take online classes to be able to work at their own pace because they have a sporadic schedule.  I think internships should be optional for students who are not in medical or law professions. To withhold a degree or credits, this action is not necessary. Schools ought to assist students in locating companies that can give them extra work experience only at the request of the student.
~Lady Tiffany

There is no denying that the dynamics of college universities have changed over the past couple of years. Technology has changed society completely and the structures of universities have changed to accommodate this new population of students. Whereas, students once overfilled the library in search of books, but time has changed, and students now fill libraries with laptops. Many students rarely even see a library due to the technological advances in our society. The ability to conduct research in the privacy of ones home is popular and people even conduct research while walking down the street on their cell phones. Everyone in this new era is conforming to the new age gadgets. Universities were once comprised of thousands of first time freshman fresh out of high school and ready for the “experience.” Now, universities comprise of many non-traditional students. Some of these students are going to school for their first time and others have decided to return. With changing times, the dynamics and curriculum for students have changed.

            Internships have been used to help guide students towards a future in their careers of study. Internships have been mandated on students in order to graduate in most universities. Many people argue that it does not accommodate the new generation of students. A lot of non-traditional students feel that internships do not satisfy their needs as non-traditional students because they are mature and have already had the “experience.” With everything advancing it is important that some things change; however, more importantly, in some cases, it is necessary for things to remain the same. Many non-traditional students feel that some traditional aspects of the college experience should change. Many of them feel as if internships should not be mandated because the university no longer consists of a majority dominated by first time fresh out of high school population. Although the dynamics and population of universities have evolved, internships should remain mandatory. It is a wrong assumption to assume that non-traditional students do not need the experience. In fact, many students including first time freshman, also have experience in the work field. The earliest age for employment is now sixteen. Mandating internships on students will help them to receive the overall college experience. Technological advances have changed society and the structure of universities; however, not all aspects of education have changed. All students have lives outside of school such as work, children, and responsibilities; nevertheless, internships are still used to educate the student. Internships are not only in place to educate the “non-experienced” but to further educate students outside of their main courses.

            Times are always changing, which is undeniable. Many of the things we used to do are no longer necessary. Growing up, children used to be put in time-out for unruly behavior, now adults go to jail for the same unruly behavior. The punishment is the same and the concept is still the same. Internships provided facilities that were feasible as for learning experiences for all students and I do not suggest that there be a change, unless there is a better way of receiving the experience. There are some things that are applicable to all students, even though it may be redundant. It is important to keep some things in place because the university population is so diverse. A little homework never hurts anyone and surely an internship, at least one time, will not permit further complications or harm a students overall college experience.

              ~Lady Cherelle


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